you'll use this up to date custom 404 mistakes page p.c. for any type of mistakes on your web site it is designed with usability in mind – to help the consumer get what he needs . It also has a space in footer for navigation, so consumer can come to a decision where he needs to continue his browsing Also, user can document the issue to you through clicking the "contact Us" button. It's absolutely customizable and browser suitable ( Chrome,Firefox, Opera,Safari, IE8 , IE9) you could make a choice from 16 color schemes.
- Works in all mayor browsers
- superior modern one column format
- smartly commented and easy to customize
- valid HTML , CSS arranged template files
- Font-face integration
- utterly editable and properly arranged PSD files
- Documentation
files incorporated
- 404_page.psd
- 404.html
- tastecss
- Buttons.psd
- input seekpsd
- Search Button.psd
- Spaceship.psd
- other sliced information
Fonts used
- Georgia
- Yanone Kaffeesatz
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