expensive consumers Im satisfied to offer to you my up to date and primary HTML / CSS template. “notorious#8221; was designed to function a minimalistic and sleek template for creative studios in addition to personal portfolios. just move ahead and try the demo now!
- 15 legitimate HTML 5 pages
- running touch and newsletter Signup paperwork with validation
- 4 sortable, multicatepassry portfolio pages
- Jquery powered effects
- Cufon Fonts
- compatible with all best browsers (also IE7 )
- specific documentation incorporated
Homepage layouts:
- customized Nivo slider
- Piecemaker 2 three-D slider
- Portfolio or Blogpost teasers
Portfolio Pages:
- four, 3 2 and 1 Column layouts
- “Quicksand” sortable with custom classes
- “PrettyPhoto” better helping pictures youtube, vimeo…
fb and Twitter:
essential note
the pictures noticed within the preview are authorized from fotolia and are not included in the download The download of this template contains placeholder images with measurement labels.credit
- Template demo photography authorized from Fotolia
- JQuery
- Cufon fonts used Bebas Neue and Nilland
- Tiny Carousel through Maarten Baijs
- Nivo Slider via dev7studios
- Piecemaker 2 three-D Slider through Modularweb
- PrettyPhoto
- JQuery clean Tabs Plugin
- JQuery Multi degree CSS Menu #2 through dynamic pressure
- SWFObject
- Social Icons through Webtreats