Minerva template is designed up to date and minimalist template with many options Minerva comes with two diversifications houseweb page, three portfolio and services web page of interest it's filled with helpful showcases to have your inventive work displayed for customers and clients With New features of Wordpress 30 Universe has been coded to give a boost to capability of the Wordpresss three0 features
live demo : Minerva – Minimalist industry Wordpress subject 6
features :
- 2 dwelling houseweb page variations
- custom submit sort for slideshow
- give a boost to Wordpress threex Menu system
- submit thumbnail help with dynamic image resizing
- customized Page templates
- Portfolio web page templates with Pop up Lightbox (help for image and Video type) with classes filter out
- user pleasant Shortcodes
- Cufon textual content alternative
- Translation able (to be had .po document
- Widgetable Sidebar
- 7 custom Widgets (give a boost to for multiple example Widget)
- built in Ajax contact form with validation
- legitimate XHTML
- Gravatar give a boost to
- Threaded remark beef up
- move Browser compatible
- Poweful Admin subject choices
- XML sample knowledge incorporated
- PSD files incorporated
- well Documented