Chromatron Admin is an easy and professional template on your backend. This topic comes with all fundamental options like tabs, tables, paperwork and widgets. Chromatron is construct upon HTML five and CSS3 standard
- Semantic and legitimate HTMLfive + CSS3 markup
- movebrowser suitable
- Powered via jQuery
- Tabbed content (2 versions
- Modal window
- Notifications
- Widgets
- AJAX loading animation gifs (4 colours
- symbol mini menus
- CSS buttons and growth bars
- jQuery jWYSIWYG Editor Plugin
- jQuery Tipsy Tooltips
- jQuery DataTables
- Liquid format and multiple columns
- versatile and easy to customise
- Layered .PSD record
Icons and fonts don't seem to be included in download document as a result of copyright issues you'll obtain it free of charge
- LED Icons
- PT Sans
- v 1.0.
- preliminary release