Tachyon HTMLfive Admin Template
an entire featured professional HTML5 Admin Panel template for in point of fact massive backend solutions Tachyon is packed stuffed with features including Charts, Tab, Dropdown menu, tables, paperwork Mini motion menus and a lot of more providing you almost limitless combinations of layouts, styles and controls. Template is build upon HTMLfive and CSS3 draft powered through jQuery, modernizr and selectivizr.
features (v1.0)
- Semantic and valid HTML5 + CSS3 markup
- movebrowser suitable
- Liquid and fixed layout
- more than one columns
- Charts with tooltips and Wizard
- Tabbed content (2 versions with Hash give a boost to
- Modal window
- Notifications
- Dropdown Menu for enormous navigation
- AJAX loading animation gifs (5 colours
- symbol Mini menu
- desk Mini motion Menu
- Article Header Mini Menu
- custom Datepicker and document submit input
- Calendar, event logs, Stats, Contacts, Dashboard and Tickets layout
- Readymade Emoticons, document Extension and list styles
- mistakes Pages (401, 403, 404, five00, 503)
- CSS howevera lot and animated growth bars
- jQuery jWYSIWYG Editor Plugin
- jQuery Tipsy Tooltips
- jQuery Datadesks
- jQuery complete Calendar
- jQuery Visualize
- jQuery Snippet
- jQuery UItoTop
- flexible and simple to customise
- Layered .PSD dossier
customized Fonts
Tachyon topic comes with custom font replacement using Google WebFont service Open Sans is superior font through Ascender Fonts and it is not included in the package but you'll be able to download it free of charge from FontSquirrel.com or Google WebFonts. You don’t want to download font for proper use of template.
- Open Sans (Apache License)
- www.ascenderfonts.com (Homepage)
Icons aren't incorporated in obtain package deal for copyright reasons but are to be had for free download.
- Social Media Bookmark Icon %
- Icons chocolates 2
- FamFamFam Silk Icons
extended Licence
for everybody who acquire a longer License, we offer common customization free of charge. most commonly consumers ask for format settings, UI and color customization to suit their wishes So, in case you are in hurry, or you don't seem to be very familiar with HTML otherwise you simply don't want to spent time playing with templates, this is the way to move
- v 1.0.
- preliminary release